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- #VintageBoho offer a wide variety of #styles that feature their signature fringe and braiding which gives our #bags a boho twist. offer a wide variety of #styles that feature their signature fringe and braiding which gives our #bags a boho twist. Reviews 0 Shares
- #VintageBoho believe in #recycling and giving new life to #luxury good, so they also upcyle #bags and make unique items like dog #collars, #hats, wallets etc. believe in #recycling and giving new life to #luxury good, so they also upcyle #bags and make unique items like dog #collars, #hats, wallets etc. Reviews 0 Shares
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#VintageBoho specializes in clothing and upcycling 100% #vintage authentic Louis #Vuitton #handbags and turning them into one of a kind unique collectors pieces that everyone will envy.
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