Google Translate for Excel - This Add-in adds a brand new custom functions in your Excel sheets which will help you easily translate the text of strings from one language to other.

This add-in makes it easy for your Excel sheets to directly connect with Google or Microsoft's API in a very user-friendly way to translate the texts. We are proud that our add-in has been downloaded more than 19 thousand times on CNET.

The Google Translate for Excel add-in is a great tool that will help you translate text in Excel. This add-in has a lot of features that it can help you with. For example, it has a built-in translator which allows you to translate text into over 100 languages. It also has a built-in text-to-speech feature that will read the translated text to you. There are a lot of other features that make this add-in very helpful, but the best part is that it is completely free. I would recommend this add-in for anyone who wants to make Excel more useful and easier to use.

The functions are very straightforward to use, and you can use them like you use any other inbuilt Excel functions. You can use either the Google translate API or the Microsoft Translator API and connect Microsoft Excel directly to their services, so it is easy to connect any type of data, in any type of data format. To learn how to use the functions, see the site 👉