Video marketing is one of the most popular marketing channels today. Whether you send a video to one person or 1000, gain visibility on how you or your team’s videos perform so you can continue refining your tactics to increase engagement — video views, percent watched, emails opened, and viewer information, and more.
Video marketing is a great way to build a personal connection with your customers. From the online images of your brand to the videos on your website, video marketing can help you create a customer experience that you want to deliver. The best part is that video marketing is not limited to just your website. With the right tools, you can share video marketing with your community, whether they are on your website, on social media, or on a blog. But, as with any marketing tactic, you need to know how it performs so you can continue refining your tactics to increase engagement. From a personal standpoint, the ability to connect with potential customers in a short period of time is highly beneficial. In order to get the most out of your video marketing, you need to understand how it is performing. In this blog post, we will cover how to identify how your videos are performing and how to improve them in order to gain a greater audience.
The video marketing craze is on fire and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. It’s now a key marketing strategy for businesses, with video views and shares increasing exponentially every month. But what are the best practices for video marketing? How do you know if your video marketing is successful? What metrics should you be watching? Keep reading to discover what video marketing metrics you should be looking for when you’re creating your next video campaign.