A typing course that teaches keyboarding, develops reading and spelling skills, builds confidence and motivates learners to succeed

For over 25 years, TTRS has offered a comprehensive touch-typing course based on a structured program of phonics. The course offers a variety of programs, from basic touch typing to advanced. Students learn to type faster and more accurately by improving their finger, hand, and arm muscles. The course also provides students confidence and motivation to succeed.

Touch-typing is the fastest method for writing letters, words and phrases on a computer keyboard. When you can touch-type, you can type at a speed of about 100 words per minute and you can write with ease without looking at the keyboard. Learning to type is a skill that can be taught to people of all ages and learning goals. With TTRS’ program, students learn keyboarding, build reading and spelling skills, build confidence, and learn to touch-type at their own speed.

Learning how to type on a keyboard is essential for success in school, work, and life. By learning how to touch-type, you will develop speed, accuracy, and confidence that will help you in all aspects of your life. We provide a wide variety of instruction options that can be tailored to meet your needs and goals. Our school offers an individualized, structured program of phonics that teaches beginning readers, youth and adults, and the elderly. To learn more, visit our website at 🌐 Readandspell.com