Busbud is one of the best bus companies in the world. We offer the cheapest bus tickets online, easy booking and ticket comparison. Our apps are available in your local language and currency and we sell more than 6000 companies worldwide. We help you find the best bus companies, bus schedules and bus fares. Search quickly using our apps, in your local language and currency. Compare your options using the world's most extensive inventory of buses.
Busbud.com is an online bus ticket booking website that makes it easy to find, compare, and book bus tickets. Busbud also has a dedicated app for iPhone, iPad, and Android mobile devices. Search for tickets quickly and easily from your mobile device. If you’re travelling on a budget, you can save money by booking your bus tickets online. With our app, you can explore our inventory of buses and check the bus schedules, ticket prices and bus routes.
Compare your options using the world's most extensive inventory of buses: 3,900+ bus companies connecting 21,000+ cities across 80+ countries with 2,300,000+ bus routes. Book easily and get where you're going!
Our mission is affordable, accessible, sustainable travel
We envision a world in which every person can fulfill their need for travel. A world where you can easily visit family and friends, access education and economic opportunities, and explore the world.
As humans, we have the urge to explore. By traveling, you can be closer to the people you love. You can also discover more about yourself and the world around you.