No need to contaminate everything around you; every piece of furniture, the carpet, your clothes, your hair, the wife, kids, dog, roommates, none of them.

For a cleaner, safer, more respectful way to share an airspace, protecting those around from exhaled secondhand smoke or vapor, I present the Smoke Eraser; the smallest, longest lasting personal air filter ever developed. How does it last so long? Click here.

The Smoke Eraser is an easily concealed sploof that suppresses all exhaled secondhand smoke and odor. Smoke or vape anywhere when you can respectfully protect the shared airspace. Or use it to fully hide the habit when it's nobody's business.

Smoke Eraser is the most efficient solution for suppression of secondhand smoke & odor and has the lowest cost per exhale, guaranteed. One unit, just $20, exceeds 1000 uses for average users. Just remove lid between sessions. But to increase lifespans exponentially, rotate 2 units with an SE Pair. You may also add a Docking Station for unbelievable longevity keeping every exhale as remarkably satisfying as the 1st, from start to finish. Because when HEPA filters are dried, lifespans are multiplied.

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