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  • #BoxDog is a seasonal delivery of 6-8 premium products for #dogs, including 100% handmade bakery treats, #vegan #skincare items.
    #BoxDog is a seasonal delivery of 6-8 premium products for #dogs, including 100% handmade bakery treats, #vegan #skincare items.
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  • #BoxDogandBoxCat design and create products that bring #health & happiness to both you and your #dog(s) - and deliver them right to your door.
    #BoxDogandBoxCat design and create products that bring #health & happiness to both you and your #dog(s) - and deliver them right to your door.
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#BoxDog and #BoxCat are premium customizable subscription box for #dogs and #cats. They are the only box to include 100% handmade treats and let #pet owners choose the items that go in boxes.
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