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  • CometChat is a communication platform for enterprises that provides them with text, chat, video and voice communications integration.
    At a time when the traditional ways of communication are changing, companies can no longer afford to ignore the way people are communicating. Businesses need to be able to keep up with the latest trends, technologies, and features. It’s important to invest in the latest in text, video, and voice solutions. To do this, they need a communication platform that can support all of these...
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  • Quickly add #one-on-one and group text #chat in your app with all the #bells and #whistles like read #receipts, #media sharing and more. Start now:
    Quickly add #one-on-one and group text #chat in your app with all the #bells and #whistles like read #receipts, #media sharing and more. Start now:
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  • CometChat’s #communication #platform provides easy to use text #chat, #voice and #video #functionality for #websites and apps across all #industries. Start now:
    CometChat’s #communication #platform provides easy to use text #chat, #voice and #video #functionality for #websites and apps across all #industries. Start now:
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CometChat’s in-app communication platform delivers a scalable, secure, and easy-to-use solution that drives meaningful user-to-user engagement for your growing business.
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