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  • We help receive compensation up to €600 for a flight delay or cancellation or overbooking. Check your flight now to know if you are entitled
    CompensAir is UK based company that started operating in 2016 to help air travelers know their rights when it comes to claiming any airline compensation due. Airlines are seeing an increase in profits and passengers are seeing a decrease in the cost of air travel. However, with this growth comes a whole host of new challenges. One of the most common complaints is flight delays and...
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  • #CompensairClaims will provide you our #software to check if you are entitled to #compensation – totally #free. Start now:
    #CompensairClaims will provide you our #software to check if you are entitled to #compensation – totally #free. Start now:
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  • #CompensairClaims has #successfully claimed 150 #airlines from 60 countries, including #charter flights. Start now:
    #CompensairClaims has #successfully claimed 150 #airlines from 60 countries, including #charter flights. Start now:
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Claim up to €600 per passenger in case of: Delayed flight, Cancelled flight, Denied boarding, Missed connection.
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