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  • Evernote Personal brings your notes, tasks, and schedule
      We’ve all heard the quote, “A place for everything, and everything in its place.” It’s a simple saying that’s easy to apply to our daily lives. But it’s not always so easy to apply. We might have a hard time sticking to it, or we might not even know where to start. That’s where a life management tool like a journal can help.  How many times...
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  • Create and assign tasks inside your notes with due dates, flags, and reminders so nothing falls through the cracks. #evernote
    Create and assign tasks inside your notes with due dates, flags, and reminders so nothing falls through the cracks. #evernote
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  • Scan important documents and keep them handy on all your devices. Save the information—not the clutter. #evernote
    Scan important documents and keep them handy on all your devices. Save the information—not the clutter. #evernote
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Tame your work, organize your life. Remember everything and tackle any project with your notes, tasks, and schedule all in one place. #evernote
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