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  • No iframes, JavaScript embeds, or CSS overrides. Save data from online forms without a server
    The web has evolved into a digital marketplace with a number of different categories in order to meet the needs of consumers. This emergence of the web has led to a shift in the ways in which consumers are able to interact with companies. This is why many businesses are now choosing to use online forms to collect their data. However, it is not possible for every business to meet the demands of...
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  • You don’t have to spend a dime to get #started on your #web forms and it even includes our #Form #Designer #feature. Start now:
    You don’t have to spend a dime to get #started on your #web forms and it even includes our #Form #Designer #feature. Start now:
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  • FormKeep has created #field #rules that allow for more #personalized #collection you wish to get from your #prospects. Start now:
    FormKeep has created #field #rules that allow for more #personalized #collection you wish to get from your #prospects. Start now:
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Makers of form backends for designers and developers
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