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  • #Margo Paige’s flagship product, the clear #handbag, was designed around elements like #transparency, #multi-function, and longevity.
    #Margo Paige’s flagship product, the clear #handbag, was designed around elements like #transparency, #multi-function, and longevity.
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  • #MargoPaige is a new #fashion paradigm built on sustainability, ethics and transparency. They carry #eco-friendly products that focus on stylish active living.
    #MargoPaige is a new #fashion paradigm built on sustainability, ethics and transparency. They carry #eco-friendly products that focus on stylish active living.
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#MargoPaige envisions a future in which authentic transparency is the standard in our lifestyles and the #fashion industry. They envision their product line inspiring customers to live unedited and let others in. #MargoPaige envision product lines that prioritize social and #environmental sustainability by supporting people all the way through their value chain, and leaving as little waste and negative impact on the environment as possible.
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