Choose a banner you like.
Place the chosen banner in your blog or your web-site.
Invite your friends to follow personal partnership link available in client’s backoffice.

After placing banner or sharing a partnership link with your friend, each client taken to the web-site by clicking the banner and performing transactions through our service is considered to be a client invited by you as a partner of the service. A partner receives profit in percentage from the amount of the profit of the service from each transaction performed by attracted client on web-site The interest amount which a partner receives depends on the partner’s level. The higher the level is the bigger share a partner receives. The amount of discount for personal exchanges is also calculated depending on the level of a partner. Partner’s level is defined by total amount of transactions (performed personally or by invited clients).
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F-change invites owners and administrators of web-sites to join our partnership program. You will need to:
Register as a user on the web-site
Choose a banner you like.
Place the chosen banner in your blog or your web-site.
Invite your friends to follow personal partnership link available in client’s backoffice.

After placing banner or sharing a partnership link with your friend, each client taken to the web-site by clicking the banner and performing transactions through our service is considered to be a client invited by you as a partner of the service. A partner receives profit in percentage from the amount of the profit of the service from each transaction performed by attracted client on web-site The interest amount which a partner receives depends on the partner’s level. The higher the level is the bigger share a partner receives. The amount of discount for personal exchanges is also calculated depending on the level of a partner. Partner’s level is defined by total amount of transactions (performed personally or by invited clients).
F-change invites owners and administrators of web-sites to join our partnership program. You will need to: Register as a user on the web-site Choose a banner you like. Place the chosen banner in your blog or your web-site. Invite your friends to follow personal partnership link available in client’s backoffice. After placing banner or sharing a partnership link with your friend, each client taken to the web-site by clicking the banner and performing transactions through our service is considered to be a client invited by you as a partner of the service. A partner receives profit in percentage from the amount of the profit of the service from each transaction performed by attracted client on web-site The interest amount which a partner receives depends on the partner’s level. The higher the level is the bigger share a partner receives. The amount of discount for personal exchanges is also calculated depending on the level of a partner. Partner’s level is defined by total amount of transactions (performed personally or by invited clients). REGISTER NOW:
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