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- With #ReplaceMagic you can scan folders and by entering search and replace broken links - hyperlinks, OLE object links, link sources let application to do all changes automatically. #ReplaceMagic you can scan folders and by entering search and replace broken links - hyperlinks, OLE object links, link sources let application to do all changes automatically. Reviews 0 Shares
- #ReplaceMagic Ultimate supports PDF, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio, Project, OneNote, LNK and Text documents including #SharePoint Wiki and SharePoint Canvas pages. Ultimate supports PDF, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio, Project, OneNote, LNK and Text documents including #SharePoint Wiki and SharePoint Canvas pages. Reviews 0 Shares
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#ReplaceMagic was initially #developed for internal purposes as we did big #document migration. Like in case of our customers a lot of links (hyperlinks, OLE Object links, Link Sources,...) in #Word, #Excel, #PowerPoint, #Visio and #Project documens were broken so we had choice either to invest huge amount of time in manually fixing links or to create a tool to automate this process. As a smart bunch of people loving to develop obvious choice was clear so ReplaceMagic was created.
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