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  • Now, with 10 million #Silk’n skin care devices in the hands of consumers worldwide, the founding #vision of smoother, softer, clearer, tighter, healthier, hair-free skin for people everywhere has become a reality.
    Now, with 10 million #Silk’n skin care devices in the hands of consumers worldwide, the founding #vision of smoother, softer, clearer, tighter, healthier, hair-free skin for people everywhere has become a reality.
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  • #Silk'n hair #removal products are removing unwanted hair forever and our #anti-aging products are revealing #younger looking skin, diminishing lines and wrinkles, fading age spots, and getting rid of cellulite.
    #Silk'n hair #removal products are removing unwanted hair forever and our #anti-aging products are revealing #younger looking skin, diminishing lines and wrinkles, fading age spots, and getting rid of cellulite.
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#Silk'n began 10 years ago when a group of esteemed scientists, engineers and business professionals, renowned for their achievements in developing minimally invasive aesthetic #devices for #cosmetic surgeons and professionals, set out to bring these technologies home. The goal was to create devices that people could use in the privacy of their own home that truly delivered professional results at affordable prices.
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