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  • #zChocolat deliver the world's premier #French #chocolates worldwide by DHL to 244 countries.
    #zChocolat deliver the world's premier #French #chocolates worldwide by DHL to 244 countries.
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  • #zChocolat #chocolates are hand-made by Pascal Caffet, World-Champion chocolatier.
    #zChocolat #chocolates are hand-made by Pascal Caffet, World-Champion chocolatier.
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Making the finest French #chocolates was only the beginning, though. Flair for sophisticated packaging and an emphasis on product customization has helped #zChocolat earn the devotion of over 200,000 customers worldwide and established it among a select group of ultra-luxury #brands available in over two hundred countries. Despite its impressive growth in the last 20 years, zChocolat has consistently maintained its commitment to both quality and customer service pushing the boundaries of conventional chocolates from the sweet-salty combination of #caramel and #hazelnuts in our signature recipe to the long list of cutting-edge confections regularly being added to their catalogue.
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